Establishment of the
Top Women Academy

More women in top positions—that was the driving idea behind building the database of SER Top Women, featuring women who are board-ready. The initiative emerged from the viewpoint of top executives who claimed they could not find qualified women. Additionally, in early 2021, the women’s quota came into effect, encouraging businesses to appoint more women to supervisory roles.

This is about more than just a societal role; the economy also benefits from better diversity at the top. Until now, solutions have been sought outside of women themselves. The focus has been too much on external factors and raising awareness among men. However, women play the most crucial role in this change. The key lies with women themselves.

Top Women Academy shines a light on this other side, preparing ambitious women to be 'ready to board' by teaching them essential soft skills and focusing on personal development.

Zó kom je volgens zakenvrouw Carmen Breeveld aan de top: 'De sleutel ligt bij onszelf'
’Hou toch op over parttime-fulltime’
Topvrouwen Academy moet einde maken aan structurele uitsluiting Nederlandse topvrouwen

Latest Podcast

"In the @sterkmakers podcast by @schoutenennelissen, I had the opportunity to share my story. How did I get to where I am today? And what lessons have I learned both professionally and personally?

@Glenn van de Burg, thank you so much for asking such insightful questions! I am pleased with the result: an honest, pure, and in-depth conversation.

The podcast episode is now available on Spotify."


Podcast Women to the Top

Interviews with women who have already reached the top, where they answer the key question: What led to their breakthrough?